Monday, May 3, 2010



We have a vision to set aside at least 1 to 2 acres for a market to provide farmers with a place to sell their produce in stalls and in whole sale.
Revenue will be divided between Ywam and the village as a contribution to the development of the village. Funds will go towards, education and women development programmes. It is our hope that will provide employment opportunity for our village youth

Small shops will also be constructed along the wall facing the main road. They will be rented out to small business people on reasonable rental fee priority will be given to women because they have a great challenge bringing up children with low income from husbands or without income if divorced or separated or single parents.

Out of 81 acres of land 20 of those will be set aside for farming for mission use, raising funds to aid different projects running in the mission, and as a model farm through demonstration plots.

The farming will include:
Animal keeping:
milk cows,
fish farming
Vegetable garden
This will subsidize for our food, giving to the poor, and selling for base development
Animal husbandry and vegetable and fruit gardens are on the top of the agenda
Irrigation from a natural source of water will serve the need for effective farming. Pumps are available on sight but electricity installation is still needed at the farm. At the cost of $ 3000.00
Wall around the property of 81 is needed to keep off wild life.

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