Sunday, May 2, 2010


Through Uzima clinic we treat an average of 80 to 90 patients everyday with over 60 deliveries per month.
The clinic is run by 1 YWAM missionary doctor, 1 missionary nurse-midwife, 4 employed Clinical officers, a receptionist and six nurses and nurse aid students. All work on shifts. Medical interns from abroad also come for field experience.
The clinic also keeps patients for observation only but refers all complicated cases to Mkuranga district hospital or to Temeke district referal hospital. UMC is a real blessing to the people of the village and patients also come from other distant villages as well.

Medical/relationship building:
These are complementary ministries as the love of God is both defined and demonstrated through them.

Uzima mission clinic in partnership with Mission Aviation fellowship Dar es Salaam, medical outreaches are made once a month to the delta beginning with jaja village in the Rufiji delta, which is not easily accessible by road or water. Our medical staff give free treatment to upto 200 people in the 6 hours made visit to this remote village. We are in the process of seeking permission from Tanzania civil Aviation Authority to build 2 more airstrips in partnership with the villages to send this needed ministry there as well.

HIV/ AIDS Prevention through Education
Through the clinic we come face to face with HIV AIDS reality. It is believed by those working with AIDS projects that 4 out of 10 People living in Tanzania live with HIV virus.
It is our Christian duty to love our neighbours.
Our response is with counseling and care for the infected, prevention through education and treating sicknesses associated with the infection. Care for the affected becomes unavoidable as orphans need help.

Specific attention is being given among the Youth and children in our prevention strategy.
This will mean challenging world views of the people around us as especially girls are introduce to acts of sexual abuse at a very early age.
Among women the infection is due to ignorance and poverty as many resort to sex as means for financial survival. Most of the girls have no more that primary school education contributing to ignorance.

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